The 411 on Phenol

 Carbolic Acid at room temperature
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why
  • Who?
  • Phenol was discovered and first extracted from coal tar by Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge which was the primary source of the molecule until the petrochemical industry was established. 
  • When?
  • It was first discovered in 1834 
  • What?
  •        Phenol also known as carbolic acid, is solid and white at room temperature.
  •  The molecular formula of Phenol is C6H5OH. 
  • How?
  • Phenol is made of (-C6H5) group bonded to a hydroxyl (-OH) group. 
  • It was first extracted from coal tar, and its major uses involve using it to make plastics, or other materials. 
  • When it is made it requires careful handling because although it is only mildly acidic it has a tendency to cause burns. 
  • Where?
  • Phenol is produced on a large scale, approximately 7 billion kg of it is produced per year, as a forerunner to many useful compounds. 
  • It can be found in many common items such as nylon, epoxies, a large collection of drugs, herbicides, and pharmaceuticals. 
  • Why?
  • Companies primarily use Phenol in the production of oral and plastic anesthetics to treat soar throats, and as a base to create other products.  
 Super fast relief for really bad soar throats 
 Reasons why Phenol spray helps to soothe soar throats 
Don't worry Phenol to the rescue!!!
  • Phenol has a weak tendency to lose H+ ions from hydroxyl-It is acidic 
  •  Acidic/caustic substances kill nerves sending pain messages
  •  It also slows down infection
  • Phenol is soluble in organic compounds like the fatty compounds in the body, so it gives immediate pain relief and works quickly